FOOT STUDIO xx is an experience that doesn’t depend on your medical diagnosis. With years of experience in the field of active rehabilitation, Deana feels that there is little focus on preventive foot care. Takes inspiration from the girts of the human body, she continues her masters in research to better understanding the gap behind maintaining healthy feet.
According to the BC Podiatric Medical Association, more than half the British Columbia’s population will experience some type of foot problem in their lives. Women are four times more susceptible to foot problems then men, especially if they wear high heels. Depending on the severity of the foot problem, most foot alignment can be treated without surgery.

  • Alignment Awareness

  • Foot Fitness

  • Prevention Program

Beginning with foot awareness, we analyze your normal gait pattern and mark for any foot pain or concerns. We use specialized routines, foot wakers, hands-on-assist, and create an individualized treatment plan, just for you. Depending on your foot needs, we help you find the correct foot treatment with the health professionals. Our goal is to rebuild strong and healthy feet, and educate you about the foot problem and its relationship to the rest of the body.



Whether your feet need of a quick workout, a minor alignment, or a cure.

There are wide ranges of benefits:


+ Bone quality

+ Reduce foot pain

+ Injury prevention

+ Correct and reverse common foot problems

+ Sculpt and tone muscles of the legs

+ Uplift and enhance body alignment (without high heels)

+ Strengthen arches and ankles

+ Improve balance and posture

+ Stimulate organ functions and metabolism

+ Educate proper foot function and alignment awareness

+ Cardiovascular health



Effective for women of all ages and all levels of experience


+ Brides

+ Mothers/ Grandmothers

+ Overworked professionals

+ Women who love high heels

+ Active individuals and Fitness models

+ Genetically predisposed to foot problems

+ Dancers (4+)